Caitlyn got to start hydro-therapy back up this week! She has this amazing love of water! At home, she will go into the bathroom and hit the inside of the tub, telling us she wants to play in the water. So we got her back into hydro-therapy at her school. Thursday was her first day. Grandma got to take her, and she had a blast! She will alternate between hydro-therapy and regular physical therapy every other week. Her therapist is excited with her progress!
Caitlyn is also making great progress in speech therapy! Her therapist feels that she is making the choice of what she really wants about 60-70% of the time. She does this by pushing a button with a picture on a communication device. The device gives her two choices. She loves to push the button with the picture of the goldfish crack on it. Food is such an incentive for our little girl! I will try and get some pictures, if they'll let me.