It's been awhile since I posted, so I figured I'd update everyone on how we're doing. Everything is really going well...Caitlyn is on a two week break from school. She'll start back on July 10 for the summer session. She only gets to stay until her birthday, which is August 5! (yes, our baby is almost 3!!! She is doing well. We haven't noticed any more seizures as of now. (That doesn't mean she isn't still having small ones.) Her neurologist did say that the EEG came back abnormal. She will remain on the medication for now, and we go back in on July 11. I will definitely post more after that. We were sad to find out in June that her speech therapist was moving on. We have been so pleased with what Jenny has done for Caitlyn! So Caitlyn will have a new therapist for summer, and then change to another one in September when school starts!
I decided this week that I don't take enough pictures of Caitlyn! I'm going to start taking more pictures, and will definitely post some on here! She is growing so fast. Over three feet tall, and 30lbs! We wouldn't mind a little bit of weight gain, but she's still eating, and that's what is important! Well, that will be all for now...