Caitlyn turned 3 on Saturday, August 5th!!! Three years ago today she wasn't even 24 hours old. I can't believe that just 3 years ago are biggest concern was breast feeding! So much has happened since August 5, 2003. The biggest of which has just been in the last 6 months...At age 1, we were so blessed with a fast crawler! She was saying momma, dadda and waving goodbye. She seemed so on track with everything. Our biggest concern was trying to figure out why she wouldn't chew anything without a crunch to it! At age 2, Caitlyn had been walking for 6 months. We weren't hearing momma and dadda anymore and she wasn't waving goodbye. She was seeing a speech therapist, a physical therapist and going to a group class 2 mornings a week. She had seen a speech therapist who specialized in eating difficulties. Her chewing had improved! That brings us to now. Our bright and shining 3 yr old is the light of our life! We have known about Caitlyn's Rett Syndrome for 6 months now. We no longer can think that all of her delays were caused by a lack of oxygen at birth. We know now what she has, and she is still Caitlyn...Even with the day to day challenges of bring up a special needs child, we remember that Caitlyn is still a typical 3 yr old in so many ways! Here's to many more years to come!!!!!
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