Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Caitlyn isn't disabled!

Well, atleast according the Washington State Department of Developmental Disabilities. It appears that there is an important piece of paper missing from Caitlyn's school file showing that she has developmental delays. I guess it isn't enough just to talk to someone and hear that she is receiving services, and does have nearly global delays...Or enough to contact her SSI caseworker and find she qualifies for their services...Nope, for now Caitlyn doesn't have a diagnosis or disability that qualifies her for services...Maybe they should come visit my home? What a joke...I just want some medicaid personal care hours so I can get a break! grrrr...Stay tuned, I'll let you all know if they decide she is indeed disabled...


Carrie and Avery said...

gosh, rebecca! What a crock of crap! Stay strong---

Kelly said...

You have got to be kidding me....nice!